Saturday, 9 November 2024

Lime Kiln Bay Wetland

Lime Kiln Bay Wetland 09-11-2024

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Route: Bay Road, Oatley Heights, Lime Kiln Bay Circuit Walk, Hurstville Golf Course, Lime Kiln Bay Bushland Sanctuary, Jinna Road Reserve, Lime Kiln Bay, Lime Kiln Bay Wetland

Date: 09/11/2024
From: Bay Road

Parking: Bay Road
Start Point: Bay Road
Finish Point: Bay Road
Region: Sydney

Route length: 2.6 km
Time taken: 00:56
Average speed: 3.6 km/h
Ascent: 45m
Descent: 40m

Points of Interest: Lime Kiln Bay

Nestled in the charming suburb of Oatley, New South Wales, Lime Kiln Bay Wetland is a serene escape that offers a perfect blend of nature and tranquillity. It was constructed by Hurstville City Council and officially opened to the public in 2001. The multi-million-dollar, award-winning project saved the deteriorating creek from total destruction, requiring a large amount of land clearing and earthworks. The completed works dramatically reduced the pollutants entering Lime Kiln Bay and Georges River.

The Wetlands Walk is a short circuit that takes you through the constructed wetlands, a mangrove boardwalk, and wooded slopes. It’s a great way to explore the wetland area and enjoy the natural surroundings. And, to cap it off, it's dog-friendly too.

After parking on Bay Road, I made my way down some wooden steps to Dairy Creek. It's hard not to miss the large trash rack across the creek, designed to stop large items of rubbish from entering Lime Kiln Bay. From here, you can opt for a clockwise or anticlockwise direction — I chose the latter on this occasion.
Dairy Creek
Footbridge over Dairy Creek
The structure here is the trash screen that captures large items of debris before they enter the wetland
The path makes its way through Oatley Park heights, running around the slopes above the creek. After crossing a concrete bridge, the track emerges at a rocky lookout point overlooking the reed beds of the constructed wetlands. These were constructed early 2001 in an attempt to treat polluted water before it reaches Lime Kiln Bay. After the lookout, the path continues to the fringe of Hurstville Golf Course, where you'll encounter the beginning of the mangrove zone.
Oatley Heights
Oatley Heights
Lime Kiln Bay Wetland reedbeds
A wooden boardwalk runs beside the mangroves and has an intimate view of the mangroves and its unique root systems. Two mangrove species exist in the wetland: the prominent Grey Mangrove, which is characterised by its aerial roots poking out of the mud, like little straws, and the River Mangrove, which prefers being on the drier, landward side of the wetland. 
Mangrove boardwalk
Mangrove boardwalk
Mangrove boardwalk
The boardwalk ends at a set of steps taking you into Jinna Road Reserve and then to a footbridge over Lime Kiln Bay. This is a good viewing point for the local wildlife, especially at low tide. The bridge connects to a service road leading into Oatley Park — you can follow this and create a longer circuit by combining the Oatley Park Circuit with this one. Otherwise, continue east along the Lime Kiln Bay Circuit Walk, heading back towards Bay Road through the bushland sanctuary.
Lime Kiln Bay
Lime Kiln Bay Bushland Sanctuary
The track leads back to the constructed wetlands, skirting the edge of them so you can get a better view. They are made up of four separate ponds; the reed bed, macrophyte pond, eastern ridge pond and the primary sediment pond. The wetlands were built after continued, successful pressure from campaigners. While artificial, the scheme has drawn back an abundance of bird and native animal life. From the wetlands, its simp,y a case of following the route back to Bay Road.
Lime Kiln Bay Wetland 
Lime Kiln Bay Wetland
Lime Kiln Bay Wetland

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