Asgard Swamp, Asgard Head & Thor Head - Blue Mountains National Park
Asgard Head & Thor Head 30-09-2023
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Route: Victoria Falls Road, Asgard Swamp Track, Asgard Brook, Asgard Swamp, Asgard Head Lookout, Thor Head, Asgard Swamp Track
Date: 30/09/2023 From: Victoria Falls Road
Parking: Victoria Falls Road Start Point: Victoria Falls Road Finish Point: Victoria Falls Road Region: Blue Mountains National Park
Route length: 7.8 km Time taken: 02:28 Average speed: 4.6 km/h Ascent: 274m Descent: 271m
Points of Interest: Asgard Swamp, Asgard Head, Thor Head
Asgard Head is one of several lookouts that share a curious Norse name, the others being Thor Head and Valhalla Head. These are attributed to Myles Dunphy, an explorer and conservationist whose mapping, sketching, and photographing, built up a detailed picture of wild areas that had never been available to Europeans.
The undulating plateau is split by numerous creeks, forming high ridges and deep swamps. The quiet hiking trails in this area provide a means of reaching the cliffs from Victoria Falls Road, an unsealed but entirely 2WD-accessible road. The Asgard Swamp Track is the most interesting, taking you on a journey to Asgard Head and Thor Head, both of which promise amazing views of the Grose Wilderness.
Much of this hike is along a fire trail, particularly the first few kilometres to Asgard Swamp. It starts behind a metal gate and is mostly downhill until it crosses Asgard Brook. Shortly after crossing the small stream, you will find a large, isolated rock that stands above Asgard Swamp (some call this Pagoda Rock, others Pyramid Rock).
The beginning of the track is marked by a large sign — replaced after the 2020 bushfires
The Asgard Swamp Track is wide and easy to follow
The rocks and pagodas that line Asgard Brook
The Asgard Swamp Track
There is a short path that leads to Pagoda Rock, branching off the fire trail. The short diversion is worthwhile, as climbing to the top of the rock gives a fine view of Asgard Swamp, one of several hanging swamps in the area.
The camping area at Pagoda Rock
Asgard Swamp
The rock formations of Thor Head stand above the swamp
The swamps of the Blue Mountains form after eroded sediments are washed down from the plateau in times of high rainfall, settling in the deep gullies and promoting the proliferation of plants. The swamps create an environment that provides a rich and varied ecosystem in a relatively small area, and were prime locations for Aboriginal occupation.
After exploring the swamp, I returned to the main trail to follow it to the lookout below Asgard Head, passing the old Asgard Swamp Mine along the way. After the mine, the track becomes narrower and does involve a little clambering over uneven ground, but it isn’t difficult. The lookout is located on a flat rock adjacent to a tall cliff below Asgard Had, and the view is sensational. The eastern vista is dominated by Burra Korain Head and a view directly down the Grose Valley, along the course of the Grose River.
The view along the Grose Valley from the Asgard Head Lookout
Burra Korain and Bald Head
The Grose Valley
The lookout has a prime location above the Grose River
The entire panorama from Asgard Head Lookout is one of the best in the area
To the south is a view along Victoria Creek towards Victoria Falls. You can hike down to the falls from Victoria Falls Road. It's a steep, 400m descent from the cliff tops to the creek, but it is one of the best waterfalls in the Blue Mountains.
Asgard Head and Victoria Creek
Victoria Falls
Having had my fill of the view from Asgard Head, it was time to visit the other lookout on Thor Head. I returned along the fire trail, passing the mine once again. The Thor Head Track does not have a signpost but is only 150m after the mine so it shouldn't be difficult to find as the track is well-worn. After 10 or 15 minutes of climbing, you'll reach a large flat rock with an excellent view of the valley - Thor Head towers above.
Heading to Thor Head
The gum trees that line the track are beautiful
As are the flowering Waratahs
The rock platform below Thor Head
The platform has a commanding view of the valley
The Grose Valley
To reach Thor Head, continue north and climb another well-used trail through the bush, eventually emerging at the highest point of the outcrop. There are further views of the Grose Valley, but perhaps more interesting are the views across the Asgard Plateau and Asgard Swamp. If you have time, you can scramble along the rocks to the end of the ridge, but I haven't done this myself.
Thor Head also has a wonderful view over Asgard Swamp
Asgard Swamp
Pagoda Rock and Asgard Swamp
The broken top of Thor Head
Looking towards Wilkinson Hill and Jungaburra Brook
Rigby Hill
There are a number of locations on Thor Head where you can get right up to the cliff edge and peer down into the valley below. Obviously, take care if you venture towards edges as, unlike those around Katoomba, these are unfenced.
There are some excellent views as you move around Thor Head
The cliffs below Thor Head
The Grose Valley
Burramoko Head
One last shot of that amazing panorama
Having wandered around Thor Head for a bit, it was time to make tracks back to Victoria Falls Road by retracing my steps to the Asgard Swamp Track and then following it back to the main fire trail. While easy to follow, the route is mostly uphill with a couple of steeper sections that may tax weary legs. That said, it didn't shouldn't take long to get back to the parking area.
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