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Date: 07/09/2013
From: Great Langdale
Parking: Great Langdale NT Campsite
Start Point: Great Langdale NT Campsite
Region: Central Fells
Route length: 13.1 miles (21km)
Time taken: 06:40
Average speed: 2.0mph
Ascent: 1558m
Descent: 1568m
Wainwrights on this walk:
Thunacar Knott (723m), Sergeant Man (736m), High Raise (762m), Rossett Pike (651m), Esk Pike (885m)
Additional summits: Black Crags (588m), Buck Pike (606m)
Other points of interest: Langdale Combe, Angle Tarn, Esk Hause, Ore Gap
There could only ever be one word to sum up this walk. Rain.
Lots of rain. All the different types you could want. Several at the same time even.
In an attempt to visit several of the more distant peaks accessible from Langdale, myself and a couple of like-minded individuals organised a bit of an ad hoc trip at the start of September. The only problem was that date was set, fixed and immovable and in typical British fashion, the weather found out and quite literally rained on our parade. So, for what it's worth, he's how we got on (some of these are a friend's photos. His camera had 'tough' written on the body, mine may as well have said 'useless').
Grabbing an early start, we had anticipated some poor weather but the forecasts were for intermittent showers rather than the sustained dousing we were subjected to. In fact, the day actually started out looking quite reasonable with some low, lingering clouds but a hint of brightness on the horizon. Waterproofs packed, we set off up towards Raven Crag, a route up to Harrison Combe we had investigated earlier in the year. After a stiff climb up the ravine, we met the main path that leads between Loft Crag and Dungeon Ghyll. Up until this point, the rain had held off but, as we climbed higher, the drizzle began at the waterproofs came out.
Heading for the direct route up to Harrison Combe, Raven Crag |
A short scramble up the ravine was required |
The last view of Langdale before the rains came |
Climbing the gloomy path to Harrison Combe |
The flat landscape made for challenging navigation. |
The summit of Thunacar Knott |
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Consulting the map before the yomp to Sergeant Man |
Sergeant Man is in there somewhere |
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Proof we actually made it to the top |
Making a beeline for High Raise |
Reaching the summit |
High Raise's trig pillar |
Descending the slopes of High Raise |
A look back at High Raise from Langdale Combe |
The low clouds shroud Rossett Pike |
A brief glimpse of Rossett Pike over Langdale Combe |
The weather closed in once again |
The summit of Rossett Pike |
Angle Tarn with Rossett Pass in the background |
Rossett Pike, after the clouds parted |
Climbing up towards Esk Hause in the driving rain |
The shelter below Esk Hause |
Crossing one of the more entertaining parts of the climb up Esk Pike |
Approaching the summit |
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Another summit ticked off |
Another view of Rossett Pike and the Rossett Pass |
Rossett Pike |
Mickleden |
Pike O'Stickle and Loft Crag |
Rossett Gill and Mickleden |
This was the king of walk that could put someone off hillwalking for life but I really don't mind bad weather at all, it doesn't bother me. I am, however, going to have to repeat this walk, but only when the weather has cheered up a bit.
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