Sunday 2 July 2000

Pen Llithrig y Wrach

Pen Llithrig y Wrach seen over Bwlch Tri Marchog
Height: 799m (2,621ft)
Prominence: 183m (600ft)
Region: Carneddau - Snowdonia
Classifications: Nuttall, Hewitt, Marilyn
Summit feature: Cairn
Times climbed: 1
Related trip report:
Llyn Cowlyd can be well seen from the summit
Pen Llithrig y Wrach (Pen Thlee-rig oo-rath - slippery peak of the witch) one of the more colourful names of any British mountain, translating as 'slippery peak of the witch', perhaps in reference to the boggy conditions underfoot, or because of the resemblance of its pointed profile to an archetypal witch's hat.

It is one of the four Marilyns that make up the Carneddau range.

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