Sunday 2 July 2000

Yr Elen

Yr Elen and its superb arĂȘte
Height: 962m (3,156ft)
Prominence: 57m (187ft)
Region: Snowdonia - Carneddau
Classifications: Hewitt, Nuttall, Welsh 3000
Summit feature: Rock outcrop
Times climbed: 2
Related trip reports:
The Cwm Eigiau Horseshoe - 14/05/2017 
The Carneddau - 13/03/2016
Yr Elen's summit
Yr Elen (Ur Elen - The Hill of the Fawn) is the ninth highest mountain in Snowdonia. It lies on a short ridge running WNW off the main north-east to south-west ridge of the Carneddau, just over one kilometre from Carnedd Llewelyn.

The etymology of the name is unclear, with the personal name "Helen" or "Eleanor" being one possibility, perhaps after Eleanor de Montfort (d. 1282), princess of Wales and wife of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd.

Another is the leech (from soft mutation of Welsh gelen, leech), perhaps in reference to the way in which Yr Elen appears to be attached to the side of the remaining Carneddau.

The views from Yr Elen, over to Bangor and Anglesey are stunning on a clear day, especially with a summer's sunset.

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