Sunday 2 July 2000

Foel Grach

Foel Grach seen over Cwm Caseg
Height: 976m (3,202ft)
Prominence: 40m (131ft)
Region: Carneddau - Snowdonia
Classifications: Nuttall, Hewitt
Summit feature: Large platform & trig pillar
Times climbed: 2
Related trip reports:
The Carneddau - 16/02/2019  
The Cwm Eigiau Horseshoe - 14/05/2017
Foel Grach's summit
Foel Grach (Vo-el Graa-k - Scabby Bare Hill) is located on a broad ridge extending northwards from Carnedd Llewelyn to Garnedd Gwenllian and Foel-fras.

An emergency refuge has been built beneath the summit.

Return to Snowdonia - The Carneddau

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