Sunday 19 August 2018

Ladybower, Hope Cross & Win Hill

Ladybower, Hope Cross & Win Hill - 18-08-2018

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Route: Heatherdene, Ladybower dam, The Springs, Wiseman Hey Clough Plantation, Woodlands Valley, Hope Cross, Roman Road, Hope Brink, Thornhill Brink, Winhill Pike, Parkin Clough, Yorkshire Bridge, Heatherdene

Date: 18/08/2018
From: Heatherdene

Parking: Heatherdene
Start Point: Ladybower dam
Region: Peak District - Dark Peak

Route length: 7.9 miles (12.7 km)
Time taken: 02:50
Average speed: 2.8 mph
Ascent: 611m
Descent: 622m

Summits: Win Hill (462m)

Other points of interest: Ladybower, Hope Cross, Parkin Clough

I was in search of an easy day of hiking after wind and rain dashed any hopes of a decent weekend in the Lake District. After scouring the map searching for somewhere new I cast my eyes upon the Peak District - close to home but still offering the chance of new adventures. Despite an uninspiring forecast, I decided that Win Hill was deserving of my attention.

I parked up at Heatherdene which charges a respectable £3 for the entire day. Leaving the car park, I made my way along the road to the dam at the bottom end of Ladybower Reservoir, peering over the wall to have a look at the immense overflow that acts as a plug hole, although this one is on a much larger scale. A bridleway leads across the top of the dam holding back the water.
Ladybower and Crook Hill
The Ladybower dam
The earth dam and outlet structure
Ladybower was built between 1935 and 1943 by the Derwent Valley Water Board to supplement the other two reservoirs in supplying the water needs of the East Midlands.
Despite the construction of the Howden and Derwent reservoirs, demand continued to grow and the decision was taken to build one very large reservoir, to be called Ladybower. This entailed the flooding of the villages of Ashopton and Derwent and caused considerable unrest. However, the project went ahead and the villagers were moved to houses built especially for them at Yorkshire Bridge.

The packhorse bridge that stood near to the gates of Derwent Hall, which had a Preservation Order on it, was moved stone by stone and rebuilt at Slippery Stones at the head of the Howden Reservoir. All the graves in the churchyard were excavated and the bodies reburied in the nearby Bamford churchyard.
A few properties built on slightly higher land, including the Shooting Lodge and former Roman Catholic School, survived. But the majority were demolished and flooded, leaving the church spire eerily poking out above the waters. The flooding was completed in 1945, and the opening ceremony was carried out on Tuesday, September 25th 1945 by King George VI. Two years later the church spire was destroyed.
One of the two over overflows
Ladybower dam
A number of surfaced tracks follow the curves of Ladybower and make for some speedy walking. After crossing the dam, I followed the undulating track north as it heads along the southwestern side of the reservoir, eventually reaching the point where the River Ashop flows in. Here a path cuts up through the trees, passing a series of derelict buildings and makes for Hope Cross.
The path at The Springs
Crook Hill
Ladybower western arm
The River Ashop
Trees close to Hagglee
Woods near Hagglee
The path up through the trees
Approaching the Hope Cross through the dark woods
Hope cross lies at the crossroads of an important ancient packhorse route through the Peak District. It stands some 2m high with a square capstone bearing the names of Edale, Glossop, Hope and Sheffield on its face. The date 1737 is carved on the shaft below the Hope face and this is the date this medieval stoop was either restored or replaced. The view from the monument along Edale is quite amazing.
Hope Cross
Hope Cross
Panorama from Hope Cross
An ancient Roman Road runs along the spine of Win Hill, part of a route from Glossop over the Snake Pass to the old Roman outpost of Brough in the Hope Valley. Being an old road, the gradient is very easy as it gently climbs up to Win Hills summit - Win Hill Pike.
Cowms Moor
The Great Ridge
The Roman road leading towards Win Hill
Kinder Scout
Following the spine of the ridge
Lose Hill and Edale
Win Hill over Thornhill Brink
Lose Hill and the Hope Valley
Mam Tor
Winnats Pass
Win Hill Pike
Thanks to its prominent peak and position at the end of the Hope Valley, the views from Win Hill are quite something, extending along the southern side of Kinder Scout, along Stanage Edge and right around the Hope Valley. Given the fine weather and weekend in the midst of the summer holidays, there were a fair few folk around enjoying the views.
Win Hill's summit
Panorama from Win Hill
Stanage Edge and Bamford Edge
Crook Hill
Leaving the summit behind, a path begins a swift descent back down towards Yorkshire Bridge, following the line of Parkin Clough. To say this route was steep is an understatement though the path is impressive as it clings to the side of the ravine. I'm glad I was coming down rather than heading up.
The path into the woods at Parkin Clough
Parkin Clough
Crossing Yorkshire Bridge I followed the path to the eastern side of the River Derwent which climbs slowly beneath the earth dam of Ladybower. There's an information board here that explains the inner workings of the dam.
The River Derwent
Diagram of the Ladybower dam
The dam itself
The overflow once again
No trip to the Hope Valley is complete without a quick trip to the excellent cafe at Outside - the perfect end to a very good day out on the hills.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Tryfan & Bristly Ridge

Tryfan & Bristly Ridge 11-08-2018

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Route: Milestone Buttress, Milestone Gully, Tryfan North Ridge, Tryfan, Bwlch Tryfan, Bristly Ridge, Bristly Screes, Bwlch Tryfan 

Date: 11/08/2018
From: A5 - Milestone Buttress

Parking: Laybys on A5
Start Point: Milestone Buttress
Region: Snowdonia

Route length: 3.4 miles (5.5 km)
Time taken: 06:00
Average speed: 1.5 mph
Ascent: 845m
Descent: 861m

Summits: Tryfan (917m)

Other points of interest: Milestone Gully, The Cannon, Bristly Ridge

The opportunity to scramble Tryfan's north ridge is one never to be passed up - it is one of the great mountain days in the UK and the more times you do it, the more confident and adventurous you can get. Having done Tryfan and Bristly before, my main objective for this hike was the leap between the summit stones of Tryfan. More on that later.

We'd be pressed for time today as rain was forecast in the afternoon - this despite a glorious morning. We had planned to reach the summit of Tryfan by midday so we were confident we'd be getting most of our scrambling done on dry rock.

The scramble up Tryfan's North Ridge can be broken down into a handful of sections, or waypoints. These include the Car Park, the Cannon, the Nose, the North Tower and eventually the summit. Each waypoint is difficult to miss and getting between them is at the discretion of the scrambler. Each section can be made as hard or as difficult as you feel comfortable with.

So, section one - car park to the Cannon. We opted to hit the ground running with a lesser-used scramble up Milestone Gully, located on the western side of the mountain. After following the path a short while we deviated off, over the ladder stile and passing below Milestone Buttress.
Llyn Ogwen
The shadow of Milestone Buttress
Milestone Buttress
Milestone Gully Approach is a Grade 1/2 scramble that climbs a gully to the right of the buttress. We all managed to pass the first test, a high shelf at the base (assisted by a modest pile of stones), before making the climb up the gully. Climbing the left side is the easiest line with good hand and footholds throughout. The climb is quite sustained but we eventually emerged unscathed at the top of the buttress.
Milestone Gully
The awkward shelf
Milestone Gully
Climbing the gully
Some modest walking through heather and rocks is required before we tackled a few more entertaining scrambles, including an imposing, craggy wall. As with most routes on Tryfan, they can be made as easy or difficult as you choose and many of the really challenging parts can be easily bypassed. After some more climbing, we found our way to the Cannon.
Crossing the heather-clad slopes to find the north ridge
Some easier scrambling
Approaching the ridge
Looking down on Llyn Ogwen
Some of the slightly higher grade scrambling on the route
Looking across to Pen yr Helgi Du
The Cannon is one of the icons of North Wales, a jutting slab of rock, visible from the valley floor which simply begs to be photographed, usually with someone teetering on the end of it. I took my turn a couple of years ago - here I am looking less than comfortable.
The Cannon
Section two then, the Cannon to the Nose. This part is generally pretty straightforward and more of a walk than a scramble, though you can seek out the odd hands-on route I'm sure - it's a nice respite for the arms before the stiffer challenges ahead. On a clear day, the Nose will be a clear objective.
The Cannon and Pen yr Ole Wen
The route leading up to The Nose
Some more scrambling for good measure
The Nose is an imposing pyramid of rock that bars the north ridge route. By far the best way is to tackle it head-on. Again, the main routes should be easy to pick out given the amount of polished rock. We opted for a slightly different line to avoid a queue forming though still remained around a scrambling grade of Grade 1 with the odd 2 thrown in for good measure. If you chose to bypass the tower, a path skirts to the left, cutting across the slopes and a number of gullies. I recommend you attempt to climb the first gully (the upper reaches of Nor Nor gully) to get back up onto the ridge before you find yourself on uncertain ground.
The Nose
Ogwen Valley
Looking down the North Ridge from The Nose
Gallt yr Ogof and Y Foel Goch
The final part of The Nose
After the Nose, another flatter section beckons and leads to the North Tower and section 3. The North Tower is as you might expect, a tall tower of rock on the north ridge. The easiest route (which we took) heads to the right of the tower to make some easy scrambling up onto the ridge. The Tower can be attempted directly but the grading here is probably a high 2 and looks technically quite difficult.
The North Tower
Scrambling on the North Tower
Once up and over (or around) the tower, Tryfan's summit will present itself. After a brief notch in the ridge, the final scramble leads to the summit proper, marked by the two immense monoliths - Adam and Eve. To hop across the 1.2m gap between them is to gain the 'Freedom of Tryfan', something I did for the very first time. As a first-timer, it's a pretty nerve-wracking experience but one I'm glad to have finally done.
Tryfan's summit from the North Tower
The depression between the North Tower and the summit
An impromptu flyby from the Red Arrows
Tryfan's summit
The Freedom of Tryfan
The weather was holding so we decided to stick to the plan and make tracks towards Bristly Ridge where some more quality scrambling awaits. Descending Tryfan's south ridge is easy compared to the scramble up the north and we found our way down to Bwlch Tryfan. Bristly Ridge rises up overhead.
Glyder Fach
Bristly Ridge
Cwm Bochlwyd
Glyder Fach
The two gullys; Main Gully is the more obvious one in this photo
Tryfan's Far South Peak
The first challenge is getting up onto the ridge itself, achieved via one of two gullys; Sinister or Main gully. While the name 'sinister' may not be overly appealing, it is, in fact, the easier of the two taking its name from the Latin for 'left' - it is the left-most gully of the two. You can identify it by the large, overhanging rock above it.
Sinister Gully
Sinister Gully
Climbing the gully
Sinister Gully is a fairly straightforward climb, similar to Milestone Gully we had climbed earlier in the day. Again, there is an abundance of hand and footholds and the whole route shouldn't pose many problems to an experienced scrambler.
Looking down Sinister Gully
The upper section
Tryfan from Sinister Gully
Sinister Gully led us onto Bristly Ridge itself where some easy walking is interspersed with some light scrambling. Don't let this fool you, however, the ridge is only just getting started. After clambering around some smaller pinnacles we reached the Great Pinnacle Gap, a deep notch in the ridge preceding an immense spire of rock. This is the crux of the ridge.
Bristly Ridge and Tryfan
Scrambling on Bristly Ridge
Getting to the notch requires a tricky downclimb though, as ever, there are hand and footholds when you search them out. The downclimb leads to a fairly narrow, flat slab which can be lethally slippery when wet. Upon first inspection, the spire of the Great Pinnacle seems to block the onward route, however, passing around to the right reveals a blocky gully that leads back up to the ridgeline.
Looking down into the Pinnacle Gap
Pinnacle Gap
The final scramble before the top
After we had tackled the gap, the weather began to close in quickly, leaving us little time to complete the route before the rain arrived. A final, steep scramble is required to finish Bristly Ridge where most people will probably continue on to Glyder Fach and its famed Cantilever. Given the deteriorating weather, we decided against said route, instead opting to start making our way back to the cars.
The top of Bristly Ridge
We descended down the Bristly Screes which is a horrendous route. It is steep and heavily eroded, I would favour Bristly Ridge over this any day. Even the longer route to the Miner's Path is preferable to the screes. It was raining heavily by the time we reached the bottom of the screes and Bwlch Tryfan once again.
The Bristly Screes
Crossing the ladder stile, a path leads down to the interesting Cwm Bochlwyd and the shores of Llyn Bochlwyd. We emerged below the mists as we descended alongside Nant Bochlwyd before following an increasingly boggy path below Bochlwyd Buttress down to the A5.
Heading for Llyn Bochlwyd
The end of Y Gribin
Below Bochlwyd Buttress
What was left of Tryfan